Running with the Bulls 2023 | Pre Registration

2023 Running with the Bulls today!


FEE: $25


1. Only runners between the age of 18-65, who have given up their legal right of action by signing a waiver may participate. Waiver to be filled out on the day of the event prior to running.

2. A Strathmore & District Agricultural Society Director and or Committee Head will be on site to ensure that all participants are:

a. Dressed appropriately including proper running footwear such as for safety around livestock, gates & panels, other runners, etc as well as for a family event at the discretion of the Society Director or Committee Head noted above.

b. Participants who are under the influence of drugs, alcohol, cannabis products or any other intoxicating substances or who otherwise appear to be incapable of safely participating will not be allowed to run.

         c. All participants must be able to run to safety and climb the fence.

4. No cameras or any other object may be carried by a runner.

5. No one may start to run until the first bull has gone by the starting line.

6. Runners may not try to distract the bulls in any way or impede their progress in the normal flow of the run. 

7. Runners must follow all instructions given by the wranglers on horse-back.

8.  No runner may touch, grab, harass or mistreat the animals in any way.

9. The starter will sound the closing horn and all runners will vacate the route over the fences to allow the wranglers to remove the bulls.

10. The starter, committee head, director, security, staff or marked volunteers in reflective vests may eliminate any runner.  This decision is final.

All participants MUST check in at the Running with the Bulls registration shed between 1pm to 4pm on the day of their run!

Presenting Sponsor

Meet Miss Strathmore Stampede 2023 | Ellen Van Noordenburg

Over the weekend, three contestants competed for a chance to win the title of Miss Strathmore Stampede 2023! All three girls, Breanne, Kailyn and Ellen were fantastic, but only one could win - Miss Ellen Van Noordenburg.

Ellen is a 20-year-old cowgirl who grew up on a family farm east of Didsbury, Alberta. Like other farm kids, she grew up immersed in the western lifestyle. She is a dedicated advocate for all things agriculture related, with over ten years of active involvement in various agricultural operations. Naturally she knew that this was what she wanted to follow moving forward with her post secondary education. After high school, Ellen attended Olds College of Agriculture and Technology to pursue a diploma in Agriculture Management with a major in Agricommerce. In April of 2022 she completed her diploma and is now working towards obtaining her Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture Business.

Growing up Ellen was extensively involved in the 4-H program. She was a member of the Ropes and Reins 4-H club for nine years. Although she is no longer a member she continues to mentor youth in the 4-H program. Ellen enjoys showing horses competitively in both western and english disciplines, but also has an interest in breakaway roping and working cow horse. Aside from spending time with her horses she also enjoys curling. She curled competitively all throughout middle school and into highschool, playing in both the youth curling league and then advancing to the ladies league. These activities taught her many life skills including; public speaking, leadership, and teamwork. She believes each of these skills have translated into all aspects of her life and have built the foundation for the person she is today.

Ellen has a passion for teaching and inspiring those around her. She is excited to get the opportunity to be an ambassador for the western way of life, the sport of rodeo, the Town of Strathmore, Wheatland County, and the Strathmore Stampede as their Miss Strathmore Stampede 2023!

We’d like to thank everyone who came out to support all three ladies throughout the weekend and leading up to the competition! To Kailyn & Breanne - thank you for all of your hard work! We wish you the best of luck on your future endeavors!

Ellen will be officially crowned on Saturday, August 5th during the Strathmore Stampede rodeo perf!

Ellen Van Noordenburg, Miss Strathmore Stampede 2023 & Martina Holtkamp, Miss Strathmore Stampede 2022

Running with the Rams Registration | Strathmore Stampede 2023

Welcome to the registration process for the 2023 Running with the Rams at the Strathmore Stampede! Please read this post carefully to ensure proper steps have been followed. Failure to complete sections or produce payment will result in deregistration.

Fee: $5.00

  1. Please complete the following form for the child you wish to have participate. Please note that only ONE date is allowed per child and that they can not be registered for more than one day. You may select your preference for your date, but it will be based upon first come, first serve. Running with the Rams takes place on the General Grounds (NOT during the Rodeo or Chuckwagons) around 11:30am at the Heritage Arena.

  2. Child MUST be between the ages of 5 to 7 years old at the time of the event. This is for the safety of our animals & your child. If you register your child and they do not fall between the age range, you will be deregistered. At any point, the Strathmore & District Agricultural Society reserves the right to ask for a copy of the birth certificate or passport of the child.

  3. Following the submission of this form, someone from the Strathmore & District Agricultural Society will contact you to inform you that your form has been received.

  4. An invoice will be sent to you via Square. Payments must be complete through the invoice - PLEASE NO EFTs at this time unless otherwise discussed with the Strathmore & District Agricultural Society. Payment must be made on time or it will result in deregistration.

  5. A month prior to the event, you will receive an email from the Strathmore & District Agricultural Society with an explanation as to where to meet, the times, and what to bring with you. Please note that only ONE parent will be given access to get on to the grounds for free. Friday is “Family Friday” with free general admission for all, however, Saturday & Sunday there are general admission charges for others. If you have purchased Rodeo and/or Chuckwagon tickets for that day, your general admission is included with your tickets so we suggest to scan in upon arrival for the event.

Any child who is crying and who is hesitant to get in the arena with the sheep will not be allowed to participate

No refunds, rainchecks, or exchanges